Back to School is just around the corner and these Three Ingredient After School Snacks are easy to make and perfect for all ages. While this post is sponsored by, all of these snack ideas and opinions are 100% my own.

Are you prepping for Back to School? Well this is my first year preparing to send Sofie to preschool a few days a week! She is only going for a few hours in the morning for a few days a week. I thought I would share some of our favorite snacks that are perfect for after school (or even to pack and take to school). These Three Ingredient After School Snacks are easy, fun, and foods that we actually eat throughout the week.
Back to School Emotions
As most of you know sending your kids for the first time is very exciting but can also be pretty emotional. Both my husband and myself have mixed feelings. We are so excited that Sofie will have kids to play with, new things to do and learn, and that it is the start of a new chapter in our lives. But of course with those feelings comes the “where does time go?” feelings. I try really hard to live in the moment and cherish each day because I do know that it goes fast.

I remember when Sofie was a baby I always told people I tried cherishing each second. The baby stage, the cuddles, the late nights, the sleepless nights, and the sweetness. Well now she is FOUR and super smart, super sassy, and some days are challenging. My husband says that her starting school “stresses him out”. First she is in pre-school, next in high school, then married, and boom done we are 80…. Which yes seems a little dramatic but in some ways I feel the same way. But she is excited- so I am excited for her.

So if any of you are having some mixed feelings, I am right here with you! And to make your transition a little easier, I thought I would share some of our favorite snacks with you. Anytime Sofie is hungry she asks, “Can you give me options?” So these are what her options normally are.
Three Ingredient After School Snacks
Peanut Butter & Apples

Peanut Butter and Apples is something I have enjoyed since I was little, still do and now Sofie loves them, too. It is kind of a treat in my opinion. My mom always ate that so I feel like it is kind of a family tradition. Apples are loaded with fiber, vitamins, and are great for your overall health.
What you need:
- Apples
- Peanut Butter
- Raisins
Homemade Lunchables

Okay so Sofie likes Lunchables but didn’t like the taste of “American” Cheese that it came with so we started making our own. I love this because Stella (my 1 year old) eats it, too. Sofie loves the “if she eats the entire plate- she gets a treat” concept. So of course go ahead and add a piece of chocolate or a cookie for fun.
What you need:
- Your favorite crackers
- Cheese
- Deli Meat (we like turkey and ham)
Banana Roll Up

We call this one Banana Roll Up. We love this quick and easy tortilla wrap any time of the day. Loaded with protein and nutrients, too!
What you need:
- Tortilla (regular or whole wheat)
- Peanut Butter
- Banana
Fiesta Snack Plate

Sofie has always been a fan of chips and salsa! Even if its a little spicy she just says she needs some ice water to go with it. I love it because I know she is eating some veggies! Sometimes we do salsa and queso-too! Then if you have little quac cups- those are fun!
What you need:
- Chips
- Salsa
- Guacamole Cups (or queso)
Bagel Cream Cheese

Don’t mind my awesome creative names for these (these are just what we call them). Bagel cream cheese is exactly what it is. Half the time Sofie just eats the majority of the cream cheese off of the bagel and asks for more- but that’s okay. Cream cheese is actually loaded with Vitamin A, probiotics, and more. Toss a fruit on the plate and you are good to go.
What you need:
- Bagel (if you are up for it we love making these easy Air Fryer Bagels)
- Cream Cheese
- Grapes (other other fruit)
Orange Color Theme Plate

I actually saw this idea from a friend of mine who has great snack ideas for her four kids and thought that this was cute. So this Orange Plate is exactly that. Grab some orange foods. Of course you can do different colors on different days. We love little mandarins because they are easy to peel and juicy. Great for the immune system, too!
What you need:
- Mandarins or naval oranges
- Goldfish Crackers
- Carrots
Kids Charcuterie Plate

Okay so not as fancy as a real charcuterie plate- but you get the idea. We love string cheese here in our house and crackers. So throw them on a plate for easy snacking.
What you need:
- String Cheese (or regular)
- Crackers
- Grapes (or other fruits, nuts, etc)
Veggie Plate with Dip

If your kids struggle with eating veggies- I get it. Keep trying, reintroduce them, and more often! And find ones they like. I can get Sofie to eat frozen vegetables (the mix), broccoli, carrots, lettuce, and cucumbers with ranch. She will say she doesn’t like it and I say- you don’t know until you try it girl. So toss some bite sized veggies on a plate with their favorite dips of choice.
What you need:
- Cucumbers
- Snacking Tomatoes
- Mini Sweet Peppers
Italian Cucumbers

Like I said- we like cucumbers here (and have an abundance growing in the garden this year) so I try to whip of something different with them. Besides my homemade pickles, I love these Italian Style cucumbers. My dad used to make this for us as a side with dinner when I was small. Sometimes there would be fresh tomatoes sliced in there, too. Don’t think you can get your kids to eat onions? Use a grater to shred them very small!
What you need:
- Cucumbers
- Finely diced or shredded Sweet Onions
- Italian Dressing
Deconstructed S’mores Plate

Okay so it wouldn’t be Stef’s Eats and Sweets if I didn’t at least include one dessert style plate! Sofie loved this one! You may be thinking that it isn’t a healthy one- but that’s not true! Graham crackers are loaded with whole grains, they are low in calories, and have some protein. We actually can easily destroy a package by themselves… but this s’mores snack plate is so much more fun.
What you need:
- Graham Crackers
- Mini or regular chocolate chips
- Mini Marshmallows
I hope some of these Three Ingredient after School Snacks help you and your family as your prepare for the new school season! I would love to hear some of the foods your kids enjoy!? Drop them in the comments if you want!
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Power Your Lunchbox with Healthy Family Project
If you haven’t heard of the Power Your Lunchbox program, make sure to check it out! I am excited to participate in this wonderful campaign that helps not only the kids but the parents with ALL THINGS back to school!
The campaign is designed to help your family get ready for the back to school season! Healthy Family Project has tons of tips and recipes and is helping to support accessibility to fresh produce in schools through the Foundation for Fresh Produce. The back to school campaign has raised over$180,000 for charitable organizations that promote health over the years!
And a big THANK YOU to the wonderful brands that are supporting this program this year! Jazz Apples, Bee Sweet Citrus, Nature Fresh Farms, Real Sweet Onions, Pero Family Farms, YO Quiero, Nature Fresh Farms, and Crispy Greens!

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