Category: Health & Wellness

Introducing Solid Foods to Your Baby

Next up in my baby food series is talking about Introducing Solid Foods to Your Baby. If you have an infant at your house, I hope some of these tips and tricks can help you out! When it’s time to start feeding your baby solid foods, you will want to introduce his or…

Healthy Cranberry Raisin Chocolate Chip Cookies

Are you attempting to eat a little better but still crave something sweet? These Healthy Cranberry Raisin Chocolate Chip Cookies are the perfect solution! My daughter Sofie ALWAYS wants to make cookies. She likes to help, still and while she is still at home I like to bake with her. Well- of course…

Foods that Increase Energy & Beat Summer Fatigue

Summer can be synonymous with lazy days, BBQ’s, Summer vacations, and hopefully lots of fun. Trying to remain healthy and fit can be a challenge as we are all on the run and enjoying the nice weather as much as possible. I wanted to share with you some Foods that Increase Energy &…

How to Cut Out Processed Foods

Trying to eat a little better and feed the family more fresh ingredients? Don’t get me wrong we love our easy and convenient snacks at our house too but we do try to cook and eat fresh food as much as possible. I thought I would share some ways on How to Cut…